How to Write a Letter to a Host Family

/How to Write a Letter to a Host Family

How to write a letter to a Host Family (that helps you find a good match!)

If you’re joining the Au Pair program, you may be wondering how to write a letter to a Host Family. Each Au Pair’s profile includes a “Dear Host Family” letter. This is an opportunity for an Au Pair to not only to tell the Host Family their qualifications but also show their personality.

What to include in your letter to a host family:

How to write a letter to a host familyThe following is a list of items you should include in your letter:

  • Who you are
  • About your family (brothers and sisters)
  • Hobbies/interests/likes/dislikes
  • Why you want to be an Au Pair
  • Child care experiences and personal stories
  • How you can help your Host Family
  • Things you’re looking forward to
  • Future plans

Be honest and friendly. Help them get to know you better. This letter can help make a positive impression and put you ahead of other applicants.

What families are looking for in your letter:

Families want to get to know you. The “Dear Host Family” letter is often the reason families do or do not interview an Au Pair.

Sara, one of our Host Moms, said her Au Pair’s profile was the reason they matched. “There was something about Damaris’ demeanor in her profile that made me think she could be a good fit.”

Most families will want to interview several times before making a final decision. But your profile and “Dear Host Family” letter play a huge role in the family’s decision.

Think of your “Dear Host Family” letter as a cover letter, and your profile as a resume. Your letter should tell families why you’re the best match for them.

Families are more likely to interview you if you tell them:

  • Why you joined the Au Pair program
  • How your unique abilities will help the family
  • What you love most about spending time with kids
  • About your personality and what you hope to gain from the program

Get started now!

Now that you know how to write a letter to a host family that tells them why they should interview you, get started writing your letter!

Still have questions? Learn more about what Host Families need from their Au Pairs!

By |2019-05-01T17:04:22+00:00March 15th, 2018|Au Pairs|

About the Author:

Michael has been Go Au Pair's Digital Marketing Specialist and Webmaster for over 5 years, with over a decade of marketing and content creation experience.
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